Tsuna's Server [that's where I dump my stuff -- who am I?] Find me elsewhere online at: * TsunaNET (that's where I dump my random stuff) * Twitter * LinkedIn * My publications (papers, articles, reports, ...) * gate.io (~technical) * Me on GitHub * Me on OpenHub * Random stuff @ the LRDE * OpenTSDB: A scalable, distributed time series database. Some really, really, really old stuff: * svn-wrapper.sh: A handy portable shell script to wrap SVN and Git (generates template ChangeLog entries and sends emails for each commit) * gplize.sh: Add or update GPL headers automatically (not yet GPLv3 ready) * AutoTroll: Building Qt applications with the GNU Autotools * boost.m4: A set of M4 macros to use Boost with the Autotools * svn-merge2git: A small shell script that helps to convert SVN merges to Git merges You can reach me by mail at <tsunanet at gmail dot com> A good yak is a shaven yak.